So, you’d like to become a Ham Radio operator. Maybe you have a bit of background in radio, such as Citizens Band (CB), or FARS and GMRS. It’s a hobby with lots of rabbit holes to dive down; lots of friendly and helpful people, and benefits that include cooperation with local emergency response if and when local disaster strikes. We here at the CRRA strive to extend professional courtesy, tutoring, and the odd invitation to a potluck meal to potential ham operators, with the thinly veiled hope of expanding our membership. 😉
So rather than reinvent the wheel, RAC (Radio Amateurs of Canada) has put together all the information that you could possibly need; below is a link to the Get Started page. That said, if you need help, a local Ham can walk you through the process and give you hands-on attention. Email support is there for quick online help as well. Chatting with someone experienced will help with the learning curve… give us a shout!
Get Started Link: