On 03 April 2019, Graham and Steve ventured up to the top of Kennelly Mountain to visit VE3STP (Steve’s first time up there). Driving up the long lane way to the repeater site in the deep snow would have made a good commerial for VW for sure. Several sets of bear tracks were around but nothing was seen. A short walk up the hill to the site proved a bit difficult due to the waist deep snow bank that they keep sinking into. When finally arrived there, they were able to inspect all aspects of the repeater, batteries and solar panels. Everything was in good working order. Hopefully they (and others) will visit the site during the summer months.

On 08 April 2019 , Alan VE3CBR and Steve VE3FTS were hosted by the local Army Cadet Corp in Arnprior to have a Show and Tell featuring Amateur Radio, Equipment and a quick video. Alan gave the cadets a great insight to what Amateur Radio is all about while Steve wrapped up the evening with a practice exercise running several handhelds in a Net Set up around their facility. Several cadets showed a genuine interest and some voiced their willingness to join us at the Arnprior FD on 28 April 2019 for the ARES Exercise. All-in-all , a great night. And we have been invited back again next year.

Lance Peterson
Teaching the last ARES Course in October 2018

February 5 2020 VE3STP Site 1 expedition to get the packet repeater operational after battery voltage dropped below charge controller low voltage threshold. Special thanks to VE3JGU, VE3KAW, VE3KEG & VE3AAC for assisting in the restoration. It was a beautiful cool, clear winter day for pictures.

Repeater Site Visit 2020-07-03